Activity Practice Target Shooting


Activity Practice Targets may not be used for Official Natshoot Postal Target Shooting

Official Natshoot Postal Targets may not be used as Activity Practice Targets


1.   All Activity Practice Target Shooting are entered as Activities on your Natshoot Profile Page under the heading Activities, either as Sport Shooting Related Activity (target shooting) or as Hunting Related Activity (target shooting)In-House Natshoot postal targets are not acceptable as confirmation documents for entry of activity practice targets (for sport shooting or for hunting).

2.   Members may use the NHSA Activity Practice Targets they can download on their Natshoot Member Portal under the specific Firearm they want to use for the practice shoot. See how to, here

3.   At submission, all Activity Practice Targets must please have the Initials and Surname of member on, the date the target was shot on, the calibre and type of firearm used, the name of the shooting range plus stamp if available, plus a witness signature which includes the cell phone number of the witness (if you can you may also include a copy of the receipt you received at the range on that day).  Correct confirmation documentation is important for appropriate evaluation purposes.

4.   Official NHSA Postal Targets or targets for Dedicated Courses may not be used for Activity Practice Target Shooting. 

5.   Entries made under Activities for Sport Shooting with official NHSA Postal Shooting or Dedicated Course Targets will be Declined.

6.   Any Publicly Recognised Shooting Range:  Members may use ANY publicly recognised shooting range - see List of NHSA Friendly Shooting Ranges in your vicinity.

7.  Recognised Private Shooting Ranges:  Members who do not have realistic access to any publicly recognised shooting range may apply for permission to shoot on their own private / farm shooting range: Follow this procedure please

8.   Members are requested to keep originals of electronically submitted Activity Practice Targets for at least six months after submission, and to ascertain that they keep documentation which can serve as confirmation that a specific target was shot on a specific range on a specific day for verification purposes by the NHSA office, should that be required (i.e. receipt, range stamp with date on target, photo of range register of the day, day shooter sticker issued at clubs, etc.).

9.   Please make sure you write the correct date on which a postal target was shot, on your target when you submit the score.  Also make sure the date the witness signs on the target is the same as the date on which you indicate you shot the target.
