However, we advise any prospecting new member to seriously consider NOT TO JOIN NHSA if you cannot be reached electronically on your own Email address (be that on a computer, iPad device, or a Smart Phone), as we ONLY communicate with our members through electronic means.
All your interactions with NHSA must also be done electronically - we have NO capacity to do any work on paper.
It is also unethical of us to take your money for a service we cannot 100% deliver in your favour.
Membership fees structure as from 1 August 2024:
Categories of membership:
Junior Members Persons between 13 to 20 years of age who apply (under 18 years with parental approval) and whose applications have been accepted by the Executive Council. A single annual fee without enrolment fees applies. Thereafter subscription is annually payable in the month of first enrolment. Membership is for 12 months from date of enrolment. Current Membership fees - R230.00 (VAT included) - membership for 12 months; no additional fee at enrolment;
Regular Members Persons between 21 and 59 years of age whose applications for membership have been accepted by the Executive Council. Membership is for 12 months from date of enrolment. A once off entry fee plus annual subscription is required at enrolment. Thereafter subscription is annually payable in the month of first enrolment. Current Membership fees - R410.00 (Vat included) - membership for 12 months; First time Enrolment = R410.00 + R250.00 enrolment fee = R660.00 (VAT included).
Senior Members Persons of 60 years of age and older whose applications have been accepted by the Executive Council. Membership is for 12 months from date of enrolment. An annual subscription without enrolment fees. Thereafter subscription is annually payable in the month of first enrolment. Membership is for 12 months from date of enrolment. Current Membership fees - R300.00 (VAT included ) - membership for 12 months; no additional fee at enrolment.
* 12 months are calculated from the month of joining until the same month the following year.
All NHSA members automatically receive Life Membership when they turn 75 years of age (Thus, members in this category do not need to pay any further membership fees).
All NHSA Dedicated Members are treated as ordinary members within any of the above mentioned categories of membership, as all our members are equally important to us.
No additional membership fees are attached to holding Dedicated Hunter or Dedicated sports-person status with NHSA, except for the costs involved for completion of one or both of the Dedicated Status Courses, which entails a once off course fee (or for recognition of dedicated status from another accredited association through a system we call RPL).
NOTE: Application for membership becomes a qualified process in instances of disciplinary measures having been instituted against an applicant by another accredited hunting and/or sport shooting association.
Cost for dedicated status courses maximum R630.00 (VAT included) for combined dedicated hunter & sport-person course with study material in printed manual format. Please make sure to complete the application for the preferred Dedicated Status Course first. Enrol for dedicated courses on your Personal Natshoot Portal.
Application to be awarded dedicated status on grounds of RPL, R220.00 (VAT included).
PLEASE NOTE: NHSA does not allow membership under the age of 13 years, except if there are specific reasons why a parent or guardian of such a minor would want that minor to have membership. An individual specific written application and communications procedure will be entered into with the parent or guardian when such a minor applies to join NHSA.
At NHSA we do not communicate with members through third parties due to our adherence to the stipulations of the PoPI Act (Act 4 of 2013)