Vol 17-25

NHSA Newsletter

VOL. 17 (25) - 29-06-2021


Dear Member,

Through diligence and hard legal work conducted by the Dealers Association & CHASA as well as the Safe Citizen Campaign, the Minister of Police has extended the reporting date for comments on the Firearms Control Amendment Bill, 2021, with an additional 21 working days.

The final reporting date is now 30 July 2021.

The extension affords Natshoot's legal team some time to study the so-called Wits-report thoroughly in order to submit additional detailed legal opposition to implementing the proposed Bill.

We shall keep members abreast of developments on this front.

Please make use of our Draft comments posted in our Newsletter Vol.17(23) of 22 June 2021 for your personal comments in opposition to the implementation of the Bill.  You can copy & paste from that PDF document and submit comments under your own name.  Please remember to include your ID number in your comments.

You can send your comments to the Secretariat at this Email address: [email protected]

Kind Regards
Natshoot Office