

Dear member,

Yesterday (14 June 2023), the Acting Chief of Police (BD Nkhwashu)- Tshwane Metropolitan Police (TMPD) - issued the a directive to TMPD members.

The main points of the directive sets out the following principles:

1. The public has the right and are encouraged to request appointment certificates from a TMPD member.

2. The public may take photos of the member.

3. The public may take photos of the TMPD member's vehicle.

4. The public may record the occurrence in the endeavour to curb allegedly unlawful acts.

If you reside in, or are regularly traveling through, the general Tshwane (Pretoria), metropolitan area, we suggest you print this directive and keep it in your vehicle at all times. Also share this newsletter with your friends and family residing in the mentioned area.

This Newsletter should be read in conjunction with Newsletter Vol 19 (08) - FOLLOW-UP: ROGUE POLICE ELEMENTS ON N1 HIGHWAY AT HAMMANSKRAAL

Download TMPD Directive 8 of 2023 here.

Also read Alderman Grandi Theunissen's Media Statement with regards to this matter, issued today.

Kind Regards

Natshoot Office