
Annual Reporting of Dedicated Activities

NHSA Newsletter

VOL. 13 (26) - 21-09-2017


Dear member,

Friendly reminder to please remember that 23:59 on 30 November 2017 is the cut-off time and date for reporting annual dedicated activities for 2017 in order to maintain dedicated status for 2017 and to be compliant until 30 November 2018.  No exceptions, regardless of circumstance.

Please make sure you read the summary of the process to maintain dedicated status before you submit any activity. 

Please also make sure that the proving documentation you attach to entries, conform with at least the minimum of the prescripts and examples indicated on the following web pages:

Maintain Dedicated Status

It is a simple process and procedure put in place to protect us all.

Please do not become frustrated or be affronted if your entries are declined because your proving documentation do not conform with at least the minimum of the required proof of activity.

We must, at all cost, protect the accreditations of NHSA.  We also cannot "protect" one member to the detriment of 22,000 other members due to “unproven” activities, because we shall then be in a position of non-conformity with prescripts of the Regulations of the Firearms Control Act.

We are certain you will understand the importance of our request.

Kind Regards
Natshoot Office

This Newsletter Emailed to all members on 21 September 2017