In-house postals

Members enter their scores for the NHSA In-House Postal Shoots on their Personal Natshoot Scores Page as per normal procedure explained HERE

Members do not have to enter their in-house postal shoots as activities against maintaining dedicated status, after having entered their scores on their Personal Natshoot Scores Page.  Since 26 July 2016, these will, when approved, automatically be transferred to reflect as an activity for a specific day’s shoot on their Activities Page.  With the understanding that: Multiples of targets shot on one day (albeit with different calibres) are calculated as one activity as it is not the targets shot, which constitute the recognized activity, but the fact that the member was active at the shooting range on that day.

ADDITIONS OF 3 JANUARY 2017 - see Newsletter Vol. 13(01) of 03-01-2017.

As from 15 January 2017, Postal Scores may only be entered on a member’s Scores Page on his/her Personal Natshoot Profile Page.

NHSA postal targets entered as Activities, will from 15 January 2017, be declined with only a reference to Newsletter Vol. 13(01) as reason.  NHSA targets can thus no longer be used for “target practice” purposes as activities to maintain dedicated status.

All other correctly completed practice targets are still accepted proof for target practice, and can still be entered as either a hunting related activity or as sport shooting related activity.


Example of Practice Target as Sport Shooting Related Activity

Example of Target Practice as Hunt Related Activity