Date: 20 (12)
Dear Member,
Jonathan Deal of Safe Citizen presents us with an in-depth review of the USA Surgeon General’s Advisory of 25 June 2024 on Firearm Violence in the USA, which is titled: A Public Health Crisis In America.
Jonathan shows that the presentation of this document in the USA in which it is stated that firearm violence is a health crisis (a disease), could have far reaching negative implications for the unchanged continuance of the so-called second amendment of the USA Constitution.
Because the Advisory is an official document of the USA Surgeon General, it will be taken up in the USA archives and over time become an important document to measure so-called gun violence against.
Jonathan states that the falsehoods contained in the Advisory, could become a serious fact sheet for the anti-gun lobby in this country to operate from, because of the document’s origin. Worst case would be if the new Minister of Police would be convinced that the findings presented in the USA Advisory will be relevant to the firearms debate in South African, which centres around serious gun-violence and the possession of illegal firearms.
Jonathan shows why he can state that "...The numbers in the poll [USA Advisory] are inaccurate to the degree of being irrelevant - not a single statistic quoted in the poll and neatly transcribed into easy ratios for the public, bears any resemblance with the reality of the US experiences".
You can listen to a 3-minute presentation of the untruthfulness of the Advisory, as it could (and probably will) be used to fight firearm ownership in South Africa. Please click on this link -
You can download Jonathan’s complete report, which is well worth reading, here - Docs/Safe_Citizen/2024/1727791796440-7399927a-79d4-4ab4-b0a4-b2255afec49f-Safe-Citizen-CRITICAL-REVIEW-_-US-SG-on-Guns-.pdf
Kind Regards / Natshoot Office
This Newsletter sent to all members via email on 01-10-2024