Date: 20 (13)
Dear Member,
As you may be aware there is currently a delay in printing of licence cards.
On the 16th of October 2024, Brigadier Bopape (Head of FLASH), issued a communiqué to all FLASH commanders to urge all of their DFO's to support applicants, by issuing temporary permits in the interim until the known issues with printing of licences have been dealt with.
Brigadier Bopape's letter requires all commanders to convey the information to all DFO's and personnel under their command.
These temporary permits will remain valid until receipt of the official firearm licence cards.
Pease also refer in this regard to our Newsletter Vol 18 (22), which addressed a similar issue in 2022 and possible complications.
* FLASH = Firearms, Liquor and Second-hand goods (Component of SAPS)
We have included a downloadable pdf document (of the said communication) if you would like to print such and present it to your respective DFOs.
Kind Regards
Download the PDF version of the communication by Brigadier Bopape
Kind Regards
Natshoot Office