
Final figures: responses to questions: members' urgent assistance needed please

NHSA Newsletter

VOL. 15 (37) - 17-12-2019 


Dear Member,

This Newsletter is posted in a bid to be totally transparent in the results to the answers to the 4 questions we on 14-12-2019 asked members to assist us with.

In addition to the original 5,442 responses we received on our request for assistance, we have received 885 additional responses up to 08:00 on 17-12-2019 at the Email address [email protected]

The total of 6,327 responses represents 17,7% of all our members.  Academics will tell you that receiving a 10% response to electronic questionnaires like we sent you yesterday is actually quite good.

As always, our members excelled well beyond that number.  Thank you !

Final Results:

Question 1 - Do you believe you need a firearm for self-defence - was answered by 6,320 (99,9%) of all respondents.  Of these respondents 99,4% answered YES, and 0,6% NO.

Question 2 - Do you have a firearm of which the white licence has lapsed - was answered by 6,225 (98,4%) of all respondents.  Of these respondents 16,8% answered YES, and 83,2% NO.

Question 3 - Would you like to renew your licence if it had lapsed - was answered by 6,092 (97,3%) of all respondents.  Of these respondents 98,3% answered YES, and 1.7% NO.

Question 4 - Are you comfortable handing in your firearm with SAPS pending outcome of the renewal of your lapsed licence - was answered by 6,282 (99,3%) of all respondents.  Of these respondents 0,8% answered YES, and 99,2% NO.

We reiterate that lthough one cannot come to full blown conclusions against the above figures, they do indicate tendencies; which will probably not be far off if all NHSA members could participate in such a questionnaire.

Once again thank you very much !  These figures will be used fruitfully.

We shall not include additionally received answers as from 08:00 on 17-12-2019.

Dr Herman Els (Executive Chair)