
Dedicated members:  annual activity reports

NHSA Newsletter

VOL. 12 (47) - 19-10-2016


Dear member,

If you are not a dedicated member, you can disregard this Newsletter.

DEDICATED MEMBERS: A friendly reminder to please remember to finalise the submission of your dedicated activities on time so as to be sure to maintain your dedicated status with NHSA for 2016 and to be compliant for 2017.  This, in order to continue to be in legal possesion of your firearms. 

See the last possible reporting date and our policy on maintaining dedicated status HERE  - pay specific attention to paragraph 7 of the mentioned policy document please.

We do, however, advise that you rather log your activities on the "Activities page" of your personal Natshoot web page as they take place, rather than to wait to report them at the latest possible date.

Dedicated members who joined NHSA during 2016 do not have to submit dedicated activity reports for 2016.

Kind regards

Herman Els