Consider contributing to coming firearms related court cases
Date: Vol 12-23
NHSA Newsletter
VOL. 12 (23) - 31-03-2016
Dear Member,
In our Newsletters Vol. 12 (20) and (22) we reported on two pending court cases to be heard against SAPS re aspects of the Firearms Control Act.
The first is the Court Case of SA Hunters (Newsletter Vol. 12(20)), and the second the Urgent Court Application of the SA Arms & Ammunition Dealers Association (Newsletter Vol. 12(22)).
As NHSA just does not have the budget to manage these type of court cases, Exco has decided to at least make a financial contribution to both coming court actions, of both SA Hunters and the Dealers Association, for as far as our budget will allow for such contributions
NHSA has, therefore, contributed R12 000 to SA Hunters to use against costs they will incur for their coming court case, and R12 000 to the Dealers Association to be used against costs they will in turn incur with their urgent court application.
If members would want to make a contribution of their own towards any of the two mentioned court cases, they are welcome to do so.
The banking details for contributions towards the SA Dealers Association’s urgent court application is:
SA Arms & Ammunition Dealers Association
Standard Bank
Southdale Branch 006405
Account number 07 127 418 9
Current Account
The Banking Details for contributions towards SA Hunters’ court case is:
SAJWV Regshulpfonds
Bank: ABSA
Takkode: 632005
Bankrekening: 9134305406
Tipe: Tjekrekening
Both SA Hunters and the Dealers Association can certainly do with any contribution towards covering the perceivable considerable costs their respective court appearances will entail.
Herman Els