SAPS Accepts only PFTC and SASSETA Training Certificates with Licence Applications
Date: Vol 11-11
NHSA Newsletter
VOL. 11 (11) - 15-04-2015
SAPS Accepts only pre 2015 SASSETA certificates
All DFOs have been instructed to accept only PFTC accredited training providers’ certificates for all proficiency training conducted after 6 March 2015. See NSA Newsletter Vol. 11(08) dated 12-03-2015 on the Newsletters page of the Natshoot website in this regard.
That means that any person wanting to do proficiency training after 6 March 2015 must ascertain that the training provider is accredited with PFTC. Do not slip here, as it will only cost you money. PFTC is the only legal authority to oversee the training in the unit standards needed for firearms ownership (they have legally taken over this function from SASSETA). A list of PFTC accredited training providers is available on the PFTC website. Download here
However, the problem lies with POSLEC training certificates, as the SAPS Directive of 6 March 2015 issuing the order reflected above, states that only SASSETA certificates dated 2014 and earlier are acceptable for submission with licence applications.
This means that some DFOs who do not use their discretion, or who just might not know the system from the beginning, will not accept POSLEC training certificates and might send you back.
There is no legal reason why POSLEC certificates cannot be accepted. It was thus a clear omission in the referred to SAPS Directive.
NSA has been in urgent communication with the Registrar (CFR) on this issue, and we await his decision on the matter, as he must indicate how he will manage the situation (the newly appointed Registrar of the CFR is Brig L Mabule).
In the mean time persons with only POSLEC certificates, who have to submit applications for renewals or for new licences have four options:
One - If you have POSLEC certificates and your DFO does not insist on PFTC accredited certificates, you enter your application and say no more. In the event that CFR refuses your application on grounds that you submitted POSLEC training certificates, you MUST inform this office immediately, so that we can try and mediate the matter – emphasis on try to (we can definitely do more if the situation requires it though).
Two - You can try and negotiate the legality of your POSLEC certificate with your DFO, but it is not advised if you are not conversant with the whole process of SAQA certification and oversight of official training.
Three - You can wait to hear how the Registrar decides the matter and then act in the manner we shall advise in due time.
Four - You can re-do your proficiency training with a PFTC accredited training provider. A system has been put into place where persons with Competency can take their Competency certificates and their training providers’ certificates to a PFTC accredited training provider and by way of RPL (a simple re-test) acquire PFTC issued certificates for the relevant unit standards (a so-called PFTC Statement of Results – note that this is nothing other than existing POSLEC or SASSETA certificates – just another confusing new name for an ordinary piece of paper ordinary folks call a certificate).
In any event that you are sent away because of you wanting to submit a POSLEC certificate with your licence application, you MUST ascertain that you get a SAPS stamp on the application forms you want to submit. Or at the very least the signature of the DFO on your application, or any other form of proof that you were at you DFO on that specific day and wanted to enter your application. You might get into a situation where you can be taken to task for not submitting especially renewals on time, so you have to have proof that you wanted to enter your application on time.
You may also, as an alternative if you cannot obtain a stamp or a signature, go directly to the charge office at the police station and make a sworn statement to the effect that you were with the DFO on this specific date and that you wanted to submit your application for renewal of your licence(s) but that the DFO did not want to accept your legal POSLEC training certificate. Get the sworn statement signed and stamped by the policeman at the desk and keep that with your application until such time as we notify you of the results of our communications with the Registrar on this matter.
Under no circumstance must you get into a heated argument with your DFO on the matter. It will only reflect negative on yourself. Remember DFOs cannot disobey orders issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Police.
Herman Els