No Branches

1.    We only have one head office in Pretoria where we meet members on appointment only (we unfortunately do not have a walk-in office). 

2.    Our staff work from home as all our administrative work is done electronically - we cannot handle paper in any manner (we just don't have the capacity).

2.    We work with our members as individuals - we have no branches.  We have individual members all over the country (and indeed all over the world).

3.    Our members do their sport shooting activities at any publicly acknowledged shooting range near them (some of our members shoot in London, UK; while others shoot in Iraq, as examples).  Members thus function on their own because of our individual-based focus - see first paragraph on our Home page on the website.

4.    We only communicate via email or per telephone - but the advantage is it is direct personal communication - with you our member.

5.    Members have their own Personal Natshoot Portal Page where they can upload targets to build up a shooting register for themselves and to upload activities to maintain their dedicated status - all NHSA documents of a member is also always updated and available on the Personal Natshoot Portal.

Please keep in mind that we only communicate with members directly - and definitely not through third parties

