AGM 2022-2023


29 September 2023 - per Zoom Webinar - 15:00 to 17:00


In accordance with the stipulations of Section 8(a) of the Natshoot Constitution (2019), notice is hereby given of the 2022 / 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Natshoot to be held between 15h00 and 17h00 on 29 September 2023, via Zoom Webinar. 


This year's AGM will again be presented as a webinar as more members can attend if they would want to in the safety of their own environments.  It also means members do not have to travel to attend the AGM.


Agenda for Natshoot 20221/2023 AGM: 29-09-2023

  -  Welcome
  -  Attendance register
  -  Minutes of 2021 / 2022 AGM 19-08-2022.
     -  Legal matters attended to in 2021-2022

     -  Business development and sport shooting report - 2021 to 2022

  -  Matters arising - none
  -  Chairman’s 2022 / 2023 Annual Review (01-08-2022 to 31-08-2023)  (Chairman's Review Presentation)

      -  Sport Shooting extensions and collaborations 2022 to 2023

      -  Sub-report on Legal Firearms Related Activities 2022 to 2023

     -   Proposed appropriate changes to constitution to reflect realities of current management system

-  Financial Statements
  -  Income and Expenses Statement - Report 2022-2023 - NHSA (NPC) Directors signed auditors' report (ask Chair for full financial report)
  -  Appointing of Auditors for 2023 / 2024
  -  Closure


This year's AGM will again be presented as a Zoom webinar as more members can attend if they want to in the safety of their environments.  It also means members do not have to travel to attend the AGM.


Please register for the AGM Webinar in advance, as limited space is available.


Attending the AGM on 29 September 2023 will count towards an activity. 


Kind Regards

Natshoot Office


Notice of 2022 / 2023 NHSA AGM sent to all members via Email on 08 September 2023