Postal Shooting Exercises and Targets



NHSA presents a range of postal targets and shooting exercises.


The focus of NHSA’s In-House postal target shoots is on FUN, and participation

Please familiarise yourself with all exercises that have reference to the firearms you own, or want to own.

You will see that there are a number of exercises for rifles, handguns, semi-auto rifles/ carbines, and for shotguns – Click Here

The Annual National Postal Target Shooting Competition is not Compulsory, however, it is seriously competition orientated. You might want to familiarise yourself with that too. Click Here

We have also implemented the Marksman Grading system where all members can aspire in the development of their own personal precision shooting skills. Click Here

Participate as much and as frequent as you wish – Please make yourself aware of the rules for the different exercises to avoid disappointment.


For further Information and assistance on Postal Shooting exercises and targets, please email your enquiry to [email protected] or Phone: 087 945 3355 (Choose Option 5)