
Comment on the Firearms ControlAmendment Bill 2021

NHSA Newsletter

VOL. 17 (19) - 23-05-2021


Dear Member,

The text below for your information and possible action.

These are additional steps you can take in a personal engagement with government on the proposed FCA Amendment Bill  *(see Natshoot Newsletter of 22 May 2021 for detail in the amendment Bill).

Information from Rob Hutchinson,  MD of DearSA

23 May 2021


The Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill 2021 is now open for public comments. Dear South Africa invites the public to participate via its online campaign, which can be found at the following  link:

Important changes for the public to take note of are the following:

•    Deleting of licensing for self defence.
•    Reduction of firearms license period to five years.
•    Reduction in number of allowed licenses.
•    Limiting amount of ammunition per license.
•    Reloading ammunition to be made unlawful.

Dear South Africa is a legally recognised and constitutionally protected platform that allows and enables the public to co-shape all government policies, amendments and proposals. We invite and encourage both firearm owners and non-owners to participate in this fundamental legislative amendment. Dear South Africa is the only platform that has an effect on government.

One of the most effective ways that the public can make their voices heard is through public participation. These submissions are then sent to members of the National Assembly committees, NCOP committees or Joint committees. For submission to be considered and effective the format needs to be considered carefully. It is important that the submission is easily read and understood by members of the committee.

Dear South Africa submits each and every comment as one submission and not as one petition, which is understood to be one presentation..
Issued by;  Rob Hutchinson
MD, DearSA
[email protected]